EOY 2022 Music
1. Soft Streak – Ride | Sofar Los Angeles Looking to suit your New Year’s eve soundtrack for a vibey, chic party? Pair the eve with this performance from Soft Streak ( one of our favorite LA groups ). This track, “Ride”, is that kind of breezy, synthy alt-pop that feels like a night going absolutely right. 2. Kablito – Chance | Parallels Drop the lights, grab the champagne, and put on this song from Kablito . This dazzling, synth tune fuses latin rhythms with pop hooks, coming together as the moment of your New Year’s eve soundtrack you want playing for the crowd when the ball drops (bonus: if you’re looking for what kind of party food might work best with Kablito’s music, chef Ludo’s got you covered ). 3. Johnny & the Yooahoos – It’ll All Be Fine | Sofar Nuremberg At a high-energy house shindig? Johnny & the Yooahoos have this bluegrass acoustic number pulsing with optimism and good f...